
Tuesday, January 28, 2014


 I have a draft written that was going to be my new years post. The post was all about a problem I have, paralysis of analysis.  According to Wikipedia this is described as......  
the state of over-analyzing (or over-thinking) a situation so that a decision
 or action is never taken, in effect paralyzing the outcome. 
I don't have this problem at work but just regarding my blog. Will it be good enough, does anyone really read it, what do I have to offer, are my pictures clear, etc etc. In January I was just contemplating taking my blog down. Either do it right or don't do it all.
You see my problem?
Then this over analysis continues because of who I work for. I wonder if I should put a disclaimer on each post to reflect the classic saying that you see right before those late night infomercials.  
The opinions shown here do not reflect the views of station ABCD or some jibberish like that.
Oh wait there is more.  
When your job is also your hobby it is hard to separate. What I may be working on right now will not be out in stores until months later so keeping it under wraps is tough. Waiting to blog about something 3 months later just doesn't seem to have the same 
gusto when I sit down in front  of the keyboard.

Then yesterday something great happened. I am not going to over- think it.
I was listening to American Patchwork and Quilting's Radio show. Jennifer Keltner and Jody Sanders were talking about the No-Rules Round Robin article in their February issue. 
photo used permission of

The round robin was a pretty big deal. Big name quilters like Terry Atkinson, Gudrun Erla, Kari Carr and Terri Degenkolb were all apart of this event. They each started with a piece center and passed it to the next person to add to the quilt. These ladies all have pattern companies 
and are constantly creating and inspiring all of us. 
Then Jennifer said the F word. 
Yes, she said Fear. 
She talked about how each of these ladies were afraid that their part 
of the project may not be good enough. 
Wowser, I just thought about FEAR the rest of the day
 and how I too had fear about my blog.

So I am going to quit over-thinking my blog posts. 
Several years ago I was at a luncheon and the keynote speaker was Ree Drummond of Pioneer Woman. She was asked about how she started her blog. She said she started it so that her mother could stay up to date with what was happening with the kids. Ree also added that it was weeks before anyone left a comment. When she first received this comment, she thought for sure it was her mom. Who else would have been reading her posts and why in the world would anyone other than her mom leave a comment.
 I follow Ree's lead and I am going to write posts to my mom. She loves everything I do. She knows of my quirky sense of humor. However I know not to look for a comment from my mother. 
She still calls the computer mouse a rat.
I know that the only way to be good at something is to practice, practice, practice.
  I am going practice writing more so I will blog more often!
I am going to practice photography by taking tons of pics of everything!
 My family is going to love that part.
I am going to share my own opinions and make the disclaimer here and only here.
My opinions are my own and no others. 
Please don't hold it against the company I work for any of my grammatical mistakes.
I am going to blog about what I am working on, hoping not to make anyone sad that they have to wait a couple of months to have the fabric. Seriously, the movie industry shows trailers 6 months in advance and we still rush to see the show on opening day.

Thank you for bearing with me during my moments of fear-therapy.
Mom, I love you and the kids are doing great.


  1. At times I think we all face the dreaded "f" word, but the real fear is not doing something! I just love your blog, and while I may not comment often, I do read it and get something out if it. Please don't fear what to post because we readers just love to know our blog hostess is just as human as we are which brings a sense of oneness and a feeling like we're not alone! Thank you for your terrific blog!

  2. I love your blog and your projects so much. I've been inspired by you many times - and am so grateful for your desire to inspire creativity. Thank you ;-).

  3. I love this post. I can so relate. Thanks for voiceing your thoughts and encouraging me to start blogging again too.

    1. Okay Helen,
      I am counting on you to jump back into blogging also. I will follow along.

  4. I just love your posts just the way they show up and you give me lots of inspiration and many days of just good reading.....please just post whatever as many of us enjoy it period!

  5. I am glad you decided you keep blogging. As someone who has quilted for a hobby for some time and also works in the industry, you have a unique perspective to share. And despite the fact that you work for a large player in the industry, I also never feel like I am reading a company or marketing is clearly your blog...I like that.

  6. Love this post! I think so many people overanalyze what they write on the blog--are they going to offend someone, is anyone even reading this, did I use proper grammar, is this worth posting about..the list goes on and on!! I love blogging, and I love writing. I love the Pioneer Woman and her blog--especially because she shares not only her passion for food, but she shares about her life. I love blogs, that share a bit of themselves, because they seem more human and relatable. I try and write, like I am talking to a friend--I try to not overthink every little thing! It's definitely hard to do that sometimes, and it's definitely discouraging if you don't get any comments or feedback--but I keep blogging and writing because I enjoy it! :)

  7. I like your post. As a reader (and I'm not your Mom), I can tell you that we love to read your updates. I agree, you have a unique perspective as a result of your job & extensive quiliting experience. As you are wrting for your mom, think of the readers who love to see what you're up to and hear the conversations about quilting, fabric design, threads and trends.

    I will look forward to reading your blog posts more often. Thank you!

  8. You just write it and we will come!

    1. Okay Vicki,
      I will write but I think we need to go on another retreat so i will have something to write about.

  9. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the honesty of this post!!! I always look forward to your blog posts. I was just in the quilt shop in Whitsboro talking about how much I love everything about Moda including you!

  10. Really great post! I've never heard of paralysis of analysis, but I think I might have a touch of that too. My husband laughs at me for the big plans that never happen.:) I still remember the first time I found your blog a couple years ago. Whatever your post was (the details escape me now), I laughed and laughed. Love your quirky sense of humor!

  11. Love your honesty and I think each and every one of us can relate. I enjoy reading your posts and just be you cuz that is great!


  12. This is so wonderful Lissa, I can't thank you enough for this post. Truly inspiring ;)

  13. What a beautiful post. It has completely taken the pressure of me in relation to my own blog! It has been several months since I posted and comments are rare when I do, but that's not why we should be doing it...
    I love your blog and think it's amazing that you find the time to write, especially as your hobby is also your job. Thank you for taking the time to share it with us! :)

  14. It is your sharing that I most appreciate. It is so real to me and words that I can relate to. Keep up the blog.....please! I enjoy it a lot.


  15. I always enjoy your posts so I hope to see more of them from you in the future. I especially enjoy your posts about your latest scrap quilts.

  16. I enjoy reading your blog post. I live in Perth Australia and love all things Moda. I trying to finnish blocks for the quilt along will try to learn a new skill and upload some photos soon.

  17. Love your post. While reassuring to know I'm not alone in my insecurities, I want to assure you that you really don't need to be fearful. You have interesting things to say, and a unique perspective on our hobby, and I believe your regular readers can understand that your blog is your own and written out of love for our craft, not an offshoot or your job or company. Please keep up the good writing...and the lovely quilitng.

  18. Well said! Maybe I should take a lesson from you because I'm harder on myself than anyone could ever be. And....some of my favorite blogs aren't the ones with the perfect spelling and grammar or the fabulous pictures, it's all about the "feel" of the blog. By the way...I've always loved yours and I'm not even your mom...

  19. I can so relate! You have a wonderful blog. Sure glad you didn't give it up. I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts and seeing your great pictures . And I think you are right on about showing us your projects before the fabric is available. It will give us time to droll over the fabric and dream about what we want to make with it! Something for us to look forward to. I recently started a blog and I sure have a lot to learn.

  20. I love this post.

    I admit it. My first reaction was "No way! Lissa is brilliant and fearless!" But you're also a real person and that means you have the same vulnerabilities and fears that the rest of us do. Yes, the rest of us.

    A sweet friend recently reminded me of a quote from Theodore Roosevelt - "Comparison is the thief of joy." I've thought of that a lot lately for more reasons than I can write here but much of it comes back to what you wrote about - worrying that what I'm doing isn't good enough. Will it measure up?

    Like you, I've made the decision to share what I'm working on even though it won't be a pattern for months because I'm tired and frustrated by not being able to share. And if I can't share it, I don't feel right saying that. The upside is that if nobody likes the new quilt, I still have time to change it! ;)

    So good job! And yes, you're still brilliant... even if you're the only one who doesn't know it. ;)

  21. Thank you so much for writing's helped me more than you could ever know!

    I am so excited you are going to blog more...and to blog about your current's going to be amazing.

    My Mom reads my blog too...and never leaves I know where you're coming from there, too.

    Thank you...and happy blogging!!!

  22. Great post, sounds like there are a lot of us dealing with that "f" word! My mom reads my blog too, but she can never get her comments to post ;)

  23. Lissa, this is great! I love that you're just going to share your opinion too. I get nervous that maybe people only like what I make and not really the real me...but maybe I need to get a little more personal on the blog too!

  24. You...have nothing to be worried about. A woman who raises a family, works at a high pressure job, publishes gorgeous quilts for all of us to make and takes care all your other duties can always produce a very interesting blog for anyone to read. Just keep up the good work, please. I look every day at your blog and enjoy every post.

  25. FEAR NOT---I have been following for awhile and enjoy all that you have posted. As time is ticking on in life I have been finding my personal voice and rolling with it. If people don't care for what I post-they have the right to unsubscribe and click away. I never want to offend or be offended--what's the saying "Play Nice!" Usually if you are thinking it--so is the majority out in Blog Land. So sharing is Great! Plus I love reading tidbits of the personal lives--I get to know them better! Like I know you more today than yesterday and that is a good thing! Hi I am Helen--can you come out and play?

  26. As Helen says FEAR NOT! Most of us stop by just to see how you are doing and be inspired by YOUR voice. And thank you so much for taking the time to share with us a peek into your hectic life.

  27. From a silent stalker, I read blogs and seldom comment, except to myself. Mostly because I think my comments of "nice post, good idea, etc" totally inane. But I love them, learn from them and enlarge my understanding of so many things. If I didn't, I wouldn't read them. I love the friendship and real desire to share that I get from your and so many other blogs and I am grateful there are people like you who are willing to open your lives to the extent you do to so many others.
    Thank you for now writing to your mom and know another mom really loves, although I don't comment either, what you do and how you do it. Thanks.

  28. Hi again, I was so taken with your post today that I included a link of this post on my post. I tried to connect with you though email but for whatever reason it did not let me. Wanted you to be aware--it is linked with-----

  29. The only thing to fear is fear itself :) And...we want to hear what you really have to say...not what you think we want to hear (did that make any sense?) lol! Be yourself. If you enjoy blogging, then blog. If it is a chore and you don't enjoy it, don't do it. Simple as that, really. Enjoy your life! :)

  30. Wow! I thought I was the only one that felt this way! I have a hard time blogging because I'm not sure I am saying things correctly or that anyone wants to hear. I love putting pictures up on my blog but not sure if I should put unfinished projects or not.. You are so inspiring to me.. I'm going to keep blogging or as they say "stay in the saddle" awhile longer.. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!

  31. Love your blog, the quilts, ideas, and fabric you showcase. Don't worry about anything. You are amazing. Last month I had to buy both magazines you were published in! :). I can't wait to start the lone star quilt ( which is AMAZiNG!!!) and am doing it in grant park fabric by minick and Simpson. Love your inspiration.

  32. I think we all go through this in one way or another. My problem, especially with quilting, is if I'm not sure I can do something, like a new technique, I won't do it at all if I don't think I can do it perfectly. It certainly stops me from getting much done. You are giving us all permission to just try! Thanks.

  33. Lissa I too went through paralysis of analysis with my blog until my daughter (journalism/broadcast major - and frequent blogger) told me to write shorter posts as if I was talking to my quilting friends. Somehow the blogging stress has lessened.

  34. I be ant to start off by saying first I'm not your mom, second I'm glad you live her and that your kids are good and third, and final, I love your blog. No no no no that wasn't the final thing at all! The final thing is I loved the quilt you shoed in your last post and am really glad I shall be back in the States on the 3rd of February so I can buy a real copy of the magazine -I live in England.

  35. I love your blog! Keep writing!

  36. When I need a laugh, a lift for the day or good information, I always read your blog. I was surprised that you had an attack of paralysis of analysis, but then we all have times of self-doubt or times where we might have listened to the nay-sayers. Never do that! You have one of the best blogs I have ever read, so keep it up! I will NEVER forget the blog posts about the doctored Sports Illustrated, the lost trash bag of light fabrics or acronyms for your Mom; they were Classic! Keep doin' what you are doin'!
    I had an attack of paralysis of analysis that lasted 3 years and I had to ask the other gals in my Bee! This was really lame! It was about how to do one of my blocks, It is a cornerstone block in the border - a star. Do I match my border fabric or do I not match it? In my head, I made this a big deal and didn't work on the quilt bcs I couldn't move forward. Very lame! So I asked my friends what they thought and they all said, don't match the border and now I'm all happy and moving forward. I just got stuck! If the grammar police come after you, just ignore them! Who cares? Love your quilt on the cover of Quilts & More, as I love all your quilts! I'll try to comment more frequently too!

  37. Wow, your post came at a great time for me. I just started my blog last week after years of wanting to have one. I'm immediately struck by how much time it takes. I have received far more views than I expected, but surprisingly few comments. This makes me realize that I also need to get better about leaving comments for other bloggers just so that they know I'm appreciative of their work! And yes, my mother is a faithful reader! I also heard that podcast earlier this week but didn't associate it with my blog. I just need to view this as fun way to express myself without worrying about all the other stuff! Please keep on blogging!

  38. I started my blog for ME, and, it is still mainly for me. I do try to write posts that others will like, but, it use it to let family and friends know what I've been up to. I write posts when I feel like it and have time. I've even pointed out my mistakes because I'm human. If you are lucky enough to combine your play into work, then, just be happy about it. Most of us wish we could do the same thing. You don't try to 'sell' us stuff, so, don't worry about it. Relax, and enjoy your hobby!

  39. Thank you so much Lissa for sharing - I find it so hard to describe why I don't seem to be able to get it from my head to either my blog, something I'm making or even to create my first pattern, which I have wanted to do for so long. Those who don't suffer just shake their head when you can't explain. Hopefully, this will be my year so I'll be reading along for inspiration.

  40. Thank you for this post. How wonderful to know that there are others who suffer with analysis paralysis. I have a studio just crying out for use...but so many times when I head out there, nothing gets done, let alone started! Too often I think "save this fabric for the perfect quilt" but then the paralysis starts in...

    So now, I'm closing up the computer and heading out. There are a couple of quilted tote bags that need to be finished up (will take less than an hour!!), and then I will start piecing one of my "epic" quilts...

    I'm glad you and your family are doing well. Tell your mom hi from me! ;-)


  41. Thank you! I am a longarm quilter - and I try to take pictures of the beauties I get to work on each day. My machine is in my basement - and I have HORRIBLE lighting in that room when it comes to photography. Especially when I'm taking pictures later in the day. All weekend long I kept thinking, I should stop sharing because my pictures aren't bright and pretty with natural day light. But I love to show clients their quilts in progress. Should I get a light bar? Should I go spend hundreds on photography crap to get me a good quick pic to throw on my blog and instagram? These are all the things I was thinking this weekend. All because I'm worried about people thinking my pictures are too dark.

    I love seeing what people are working on - it is what inspires all of us to go home, get the kids to bed and stay up all night sewing (even though we have to work in the morning). Keep showing us your projects even if you're working with a future line - makes me so excited for it! Also - this current line you're using - I might not give a second thought to normally - but when I see how beautiful your blocks are turning out - changes my mind a bit. So it opens up my comfort zone and makes me step out of my box a bit!

    Thanks for the post - you said it perfectly what I'm sure many are thinking!

  42. Such a sweet post :) Fear is a crazy thing but it definitely feels great to conquer it!

  43. Isn't it funny that we want to be unique.........just like everyone else? And we ARE! Lissa, no one else has your unique voice and perspective and life experience. You have something very valuable to share. Thanks for voicing your uncertainties. The world is FULL of kindred spirits.

  44. Wow! I'm kind of blown away to hear that you are human. My word for this year is FEAR. I can totally relate to your post. I decided that I need to push myself through my fear to ever grow. I'm always worried that I'm not good enough or that someone will notice a mistake. You are amazing! I'm surprised to hear that you too encounter fear. I think you are amazing. I'm inspired by what you do. Please keep it up.

  45. I could reiterate all the other comments here. We are all surprised (duh) that these wonderful bloggers who are literally famous in the quilting community are as human as the rest of us. I started my blog several months ago and I wonder with each post I write if anyone is out there reading it other than my sisters. In reality we need to say to ourselves I'm doing this (or that) because it brings joy to ME or somehow enriches my life. We are all amazing in our own right! Blog on!! (And if you are so inclined check out my blog at
