
Friday, December 28, 2012

What I learned on my Christmas break

Each year on the first day of school I always had to write a paper titled "What I did on my summer vacation."
This morning as the house is quite and thoughts of the new year are swirling around in my head, I started thinking about the things I learned on my Christmas vacation. The list does not include the obvious things about how thankful and blessed I am to have and be a part of a wonderful family.

Here is the list in no particular order.
1. If an early lunch with an old friend lasts all day, maybe we need to get together more often.
2. Picking out just 6 fabrics for a quilt is very hard.
3. No Internet is a very detoxing and therapeutic experience.
4. Baking soda facial helps close those nasty pores. Thank you Pinterest.
5. A simple Christmas meal is just as wonderful as one with all the hoopla.
6. No matter which family member is missing the holiday is not the same.
7. The pounds I have lost..... I have found and they brought friends.
8. Surprising someone with a handmade gift that brings tears to their eyes is so gratifying.
9. Snow in Texas on Christmas is beautiful.
10. My moms vegetable soup is just as good as I remember.
11. My happiness journal brought back great memories from 2012.
12. I am excited for 2013.

Hope each of you had a wonderful holiday and here's to a blessed 2013.

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