Blogger Girls Quilt Along

The final month of the Blogger Girls Quilt Along.
Border and Sashing
Can't live without these rulers now.

When Monique first showed us this quilt I was intrigued by the setting.

There are a lot of sampler style quilts on the market but the setting on this quilt really sets it apart.
I decided to use 3 different fabrics is the sashing to create a secondary design. 
What looked hard was quite easy.

in progress
I told you I am not very good at choosing a controlled amount of fabrics. I guess I get bored easily.
As I worked on this each month I added more fabrics. some good choices, some not so much. 

Stop by and see the color options at the other blogger girls.

Monique From Open Gate Quilts -
Sherri from A Quilting Life -
Thelma from Cupcakes ‘n Daisies ~
Lissa from Moda  Lissa  ~
Denise from Quilter’s  Window ~
Nicole from Sister’s Choice  ~
Lisa from Stashmaster ~

Get the pattern at Open Gate
for a limited time.

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